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Tata Crucible Corporate Quiz Cluster 6: BAP Associates Employee Triumphs
The top minds of esteemed companies and institutes in Tamil Nadu (excluding Chennai), Kerala, Andaman & Nicobar, Pondicherry, and Lakshadweep competed in the 2022 Tata Crucible Corporate Quiz. The participants brought an impressive array of knowledge and skills to the online event, battling it out for the top spot.
Despite tough competition from the other contestants, Puneet J from BAP Associates emerged victorious and secured first place. Rakesh Pillai from Measured Inc, Thiruvananthapuram, put up an impressive performance and was announced as the runner-up. His remarkable talents and abilities were on full display during the quiz, and he pushed Puneet J to his limits. Both Puneet J and Rakesh Pillai showcased their remarkable abilities and proved themselves worthy competitors in the highly competitive corporate world.