The south zone finale started with quizmaster Pickbrain declaring that of all the zones ‘South has certainly stood out this year’ indicating the teams in the zonals were in for a pitched battle.
The final began with ICAI Chennai going into a quick lead with IIM Calicut. As the questions came in rapidly ICAI Bangalore and PSG CAS also moved up the ladder. The next couple of rounds saw TAPMI move into the lead with good strikes on the buzzer.
In the final round of the quiz ICAI Bangalore came back to crack successive questions and propel themselves ahead of TAPMI. The TAPMI duo realising that two teams would go into the national finale played carefully and ensured they made it to the national level along with ICAI from Bangalore.
Quizmaster Pickbrain had a special word of appreciation for the young PSG CAS contestant who is just out of class 12 and into his graduation and for the IIM Calicut team which in the regionals had created a national record score of 100.
The guest of honour Mr.Ravi Kant the CEO of the eyeware division of Titan applauded all the teams for their efforts and told them “You are the future and I am happy to see that future brightâ€.
WINNER : ICAI Bangalore – Vijay and Mohit Jain
RUNNER UP : TAPMI – Rithwik and Krishna