A cool Sunday afternoon with hints of rain seemed an English setting for a quiz post lunch sans the wine and cheese. Close to 100 teams battled with Pickbrain’s armoury of questions, a shade tougher than the other cities for sure. It led to the following six teams.
The finalists were
The quiz final was a very interesting battle that most teams started well on and after the first couple of questions it seemed like a Cap Gemini afternoon as they burst into the lead. The duo from TCS with Sudip and Abhishek were quick to catch up as the quiz progressed.
The other TCS team with Bhaskar and Prasad also did their bit in the initial stages but could not maintain the momentum in the later half. The quiz soon became a two team battle with Sudip and Abhishek leading the way with some outstanding answers.
In the final questions the duo from Cap Gemini made valiant attempts but had to settle for the runner up position as TCS emerged champions and went into the Eastern zonals.