Over 800 students from across the south of Tamil Nadu were a part of the Trichy final. The prelim was relatively easy, comprising of a crisp set of 20 questions. The finalists who made it were:
The quiz looked even in the first few rounds as the NIT, Sastra and BIM teams battled hard for runs. However, as the quiz moved into the middle phases, the duo from NIT represented by Rishi and Subramaniam, starting moving ahead with good answers.
They seemed so well prepared that they dominated the quiz, not giving any other team a chance to challenge them. Their emphatic victory leads them into the zonal for the second consecutive year.
The passion and interest in Tata Crucible among college students was reflected by a young aspiring lawyer who studies in Raipur, but was in Trichy to just watch the final. What seemed even more encouraging was that his dad won most of the audience prizes!
As NIT won convincingly, the BIM team of Giridhar and Bharathidasan played sensibly, not trying to chase down the leaders but focussing on what they could answer, thereby winning the runner up title.